I walked up to the school to find all of the kids gathered outside, many of younger ones with their parents still. I waited around a little bit because I had no idea where to go, and eventually one of the teachers asked me if I was Mary, probably because I looked so confused and I was walking in and out of the building looking for someone! I met pretty much all of the teachers--they are really nice and helpful. Two of them live in a town nearby called Villarrobledo where I wanted to live because there is more to do, but didn't have a way to get there and back for school, and they offered to share rides with me and to help me find an apartment there--so nice! I really enjoyed talking to all of the teachers and getting to know them. They laughed every once in a while about my use of South American Spanish :). It's what they taught me in school and what I grew up with con mi mama, and so I've had to make note of a couple of things. For instance, if you say "carro" here instead of "coche" (car), they will know what you mean, however "carro" in spain means a cart that is lead by a donkey. Also, no one says "computadora" even though they teach you that in school. Se dice "ordenador" or "ordenador portatil" for a laptop.
I also met all of the kids, that was really fun, probably my favorite part! A lot of them were like the little boy I met walking to school, the younger ones at least. One boy with a faux hawk asked me if I spoke english :), another girl asked me if I was related to the previous auxiliar, Anastasia :), it was so cute. I probably don't speak as good of Spanish as she did, but hopefully I will improve!
Oh, and one of my bags arrived, and the other one should arrive tomorrow. Yipee!!
Here are a couple of pictures so far...I haven't taken too many, more to come!
my hostel room, very cozy! it has a cute little balcony too :) |
The view from my balcony |
Side view from my balcony of El Provencio! |
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