I've just returned from a spectacular week in Germany!! I loved it, it is a beautiful country, and MAN they know how to eat over there. Great food, great beer, and great company as well!!
I spent the week visiting with my friend, Corinna, who I met in Spain. She is from Germany, Bavaria, actually, and she graciously hosted me and showed me around her country! After I arrived, we had coffee and strawberry cake with Corinna's mom in their beautiful garden, and then we decided to relax because we were both really tired! We had a great time catching up though (even though it had only been a few weeks since we'd seen each other), and laughing together.
Corinna and I imitating the children at play sign :) |
The next day, Corinna, her sister and friend and I went on a hike through a neighboring town. It was filled with lots of beautiful views of the Bavarian landscape and the Danube river (hope I spelled that right!). We walked through forests, along the river, and even took a boat along the river (I loved that!).
Me and Corinna in front of the Danube river |
Corinna, Angelina, and I on the "Celtic Wall" in the forest! |
Corinna, me, Ramona, and Angelina enjoying a boat ride on the Danube! |
We had lunch at a beer garden, I tried my first German beer, and had a delicious lunch (a traditional one too!)
The next day, we spent the whole day in Regensberg, which is an old city in Germany and close to Corinna's house. We visited her University, and toured the town. Even though it rained all day, it was really beautiful! I liked it so much. They even had a Marilyn Monroe exhibit going on, so cool!
Corinna showing off her university! |
Corinna and I sticking out the rain!! |
I also got the chance to try on some traditional Dirndls, it was so fun!! They were fun to try on, although I think the shop assistant caught on that I wasn't really going to buy anything, hehe :).
The next morning, we headed to Heidelberg--I had really been looking forward to going there, and it didn't disappoint! It's a beautiful city, old buildings, lots of history, and an old castle that was partially destroyed 3 serparate times until it got to be what it is today. We spend 2 days there, and also got the chance to visit a beautiful garden in Schwetzinger, where Corinna's cousin lives.
The castle from below. |
Corinna with her new boyfriend in a christmas ornament store! :) |
In the garden in Schwezinger, so beautiful! |
How the castle used to look, pre-destruction |
A view from the top. |
What a beautiful place! |
We drove back to Corinna's house, ate, slept, woke up, ate, and then headed to the train to go to Munich!
There was a little boy on the train that had a camera, and he was sitting across from Corinna and I pretending to take pictures, and actually taking pictures of us, haha! We were laughing so hard, he was so funny! So we grabbed our camera and pretended to take pictures of him too. At one point, I was showing Corinna a map, and it was covering our faces, so he stuck the camera under the map and took a picture!! que risa!! Then, when he left, he said goodbye to Corinna in German, and then looked at me and said "bye bye!" hahahaha :).
Anyway, I really liked Munich too! It is a mix of old and new. After we got there, we climbed a tower (St. Peter's bell tower I think!), walked around, and had lunch at a biergarten (my new favorite places!). We visited the University in Munich, and walked around the English park. The next day went to another BEAUTIFUL castle and garden, and did some shopping and went out later that night to experience some Munich night-life. I didn't get very much sleep, but I had a great time, and it was well worth it!
We climbed this! |
Don't know what this is, but everyone kept touching it when then walked by, so it must be of some importance! |
My lovely friend, Corinna, and I enjoying the gardens outside of the castle in Munich. |
My new friend! |
Well, I had an EXCELLENT time in Germany, I am so glad I went!! I am so exhausted right now, and pretty ready to get home and see my family again, but I also feel very blessed to be here and to have the opportunities that I do! I am a lucky girl, this year especially.
I will be in Villarrobledo for the next few days, and I hope to spend a lot of time with my friends here (si estais leyendo esto, basta de leer y llamame ahora y vamos por una bebida!! jaja), and then on Wednesday, I'm off to the states!! It's been a long time since I've been back...so I have to buy another suitcase, haha :). Wish me luck!!
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